Impact Assessment

Environmental and human health impact assessment of ammonia, methanol and very low sulphur fuel oil used as vessel fuels

This report prepared by DHI presents the results of an environmental and human health impact assessment of ammonia, methanol, and very low sulphur fuel oil. The impact assessment is based on exposure scenarios describing assumed accidental spills of the fuels in the sea. Two accidental bunkering scenarios were assumed in the Port of Rotterdam, and two collision scenarios were assumed in the English Channel and the Strait of Malacca, respectively. This study was commissioned as part of a broader project aimed at assessing the potential environmental impacts of using ammonia as a shipping fuel.

Please find the report here

2 Responses

  1. Hi,
    The main problem with LSFO is that it always a blend. Even the same refinery will deliver LSFO with different characteristics from badge to badge. We see LSFO with Pour Points as high as 30 degrees. This is a huge challenge from a recovery point of view.

  2. The project evaluated the environmental and human health impact of ammonia, methanol, and VLSFO. Ammonia and methanol are emerging vessel fuels (and included for this reason), while VLSFO was included to enable comparison with a traditional fuel. We selected one type of VLSFO and used the composition of this particular mixture in the assessments of exposure and effect concentrations.

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