| Maritime Innovation Project

Maritime Innovation Project – Danish Maritime Test Center
December 8, 2020

DHI is preparing the initiation of the project “Danish Maritime Test Center” based on a grant from the Danish Maritime Fund. The ship traffic leads to the global spread of harmful invasive species with ballast water and biofouling, which need to be handled adequately to achieve optimal fuel efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gasses. Invasive species are one of the major threats to biodiversity in marine environments and imply risks for human health, maritime activities, and important societal interests.

The project’s purpose is to develop a maritime test center capable of providing consultancy and facilities that cannot or will not be established by individual companies. The project will be performed in collaboration with companies and stakeholders within Blue Denmark.

The project’s main activities are:

  1. In-water cleaning of marine fouling
  2. Commissioning of ballast water management systems
  3. Maritime equipment for analysis of water quality
  4. Digital tools for risk assessment
  5. Open maritime innovation


The project will develop knowledge and methods that will become generally available and aim to address current needs for the maritime industry and authorities.

Please contact us for more information:

Torben Madsen, tma@dhigroup.com


Danish Maritime Test Center