Begroning på skibe er en udfordring for skibsindustrien og for miljøet

Whitepaper udarbejdet under projektet Dansk Maritimt Testcenter med støtte fra Den Danske Maritime Fond og Orient’s Fond. 

Anne Sofie Kiil, Aron Lank Jensen og Torben Madsen 

DHI – Maritime Tech 

Udgivet: 30. November 2021 

Kontakt: maritime-tech@dhigroup.com


Biofouling of vessels - a challenge to the ship industry and the environment

Whitepaper prepared as part of the activities under Danish Maritime Test Center with support from the Danish Maritime Fund and Orient’s Fund.

Anne Sofie Kiil, Aron Lank Jensen and Torben Madsen 

DHI – Maritime Tech 

Issued: 30. November 2021 

Contact: maritime-tech@dhigroup.com



Kommissioneringstest af ballastvandsystemer –metode til test af UV behandling

Teknisk notat udarbejdet under projektet Dansk Maritimt Testcenter med støtte fra Den Danske Maritime Fond og Orient’s Fond.

Edina Chua og Anne Sofie Kiil

DHI – Maritime Tech

Udgivet30. November 2021

Kontakt: maritime-tech@dhigroup.com

Commissioning testing of Ballast Water Management Systems – method of testing UV treatment

Technical note prepared as part of the activities under Danish Maritime Test Center with support from the Danish Maritime Fund and Orient’s Fund.

Edina Chua and Anne Sofie Kiil

DHI – Maritime Tech

Issued: 30. November 2021

Contact: maritime-tech@dhigroup.com


Commissioning testing of Ballast Water Management Systems - best practice for sampling and analysis

Technical note prepared as part of the activities under Danish Maritime Test Center with support from the Danish Maritime Fund and Orient’s Fund.

Edina Chua, Gitte I. Petersen and Torben Madsen

DHI – Maritime Tech

Issued: 15 September 2022

Contact: maritime-tech@dhigroup.com

The Marine Environment Protection Committee’s 74th session (MEPC 74) approved amendments to the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention (BWM Convention) requiring commissioning testing of ballast water management systems (BWMS) after installation onboard a vessel. The purpose of the commissioning test is to validate the installation of the BWMS by demonstrating that its mechanical, physical, and chemical processes are working properly. The commissioning test should be performed in accordance with the 2020 Guidance for the commissioning testing of ballast water management systems (BWM.2/Circ.70/Rev.1). The guidance prescribes collection of representative samples for the two organism size classes in the D-2 discharge standard, i.e.: ≥50 µm and ≥10 µm to <50 µm. For the practical analysis of the samples, the usual interpretation is that the ≥ 50 µm fraction represents zooplankton, while the ≥10 µm to <50 µm represents phytoplankton (algae). Compliance with the discharge standard should be confirmed by use of the analyses described in the 2020 Guidance on ballast water sampling and analysis for trial use and in accordance with the BWM Convention and Guidelines (G2) (BWM.2/Circ.42/Rev.2).

To secure correct installation and operation of a BWMS, the requirement for commissioning testing of each individual BWMS after the installation on board a vessel entered into force on 1 June 2022 for all ships registered under flags that have ratified the BWM Convention.

Unless required by Port State Control at specific occasions, commissioning testing may be the only occasion in the lifetime of a ship where the performance of a BWMS installation is verified. Commissioning testing of the BWMS should thus be done properly to confirm that a BWMS installed on a ship meets the D-2 discharge standard of the BWM Convention, i.e., viable organisms in the treated discharge should be:

  • < 10/m3 for organisms ≥50 µm
  • < 10/mL for organisms ≥10 µm and <50 µm.

DHI has conducted more than 100 commissioning tests meeting the requirements of class societies and specific Administrations.


Kom godt i mål med kommissioneringstest af ballastvand-systemer

Denne artikel er udarbejdet under projektet Dansk Maritimt Testcenter, der er støttet af Den Danske Maritime Fond og Orient’s Fond.

Anne Sofie Kiil

DHI – Maritime Tech

Udgivet: 15. September 2022

Kontakt: maritime-tech@dhigroup.com

Fra 1. juni 2022 er det et krav i IMOs ballastvandkonvention, at alle skibe udover at have installeret et ballastvandsystem også skal have udført en kommissioneringstest /1/. I forbindelse med installationen foretages en kommissionering af systemet, der sikrer, at systemet er installeret korrekt. Men her udover skal det også dokumenteres, at systemet kan leve op til Ballastvandkonventionens D2 standard efter installationen. Dette sker ved den biologiske kommissioneringstest, der udføres af en uafhængig testudbyder. Det er en vigtig test, da systemet ikke er fuldt kommissioneret, før denne test er bestået.   

Denne artikel opridser de vigtigste trin for en god gennemførsel af en kommissioneringstest og giver overblik over forløbet fra indgåelse af aftale om test til det endelige svar på, om systemet lever op til D2 standarden. Vi ønsker hermed at bidrage til at skabe gode rammer for effektive og udbytterige samarbejder mellem den part, der skal have udført en test, og testudbyderen.

Der er flere aktører, der efterspørger kommissioneringstest. Det kan være skibsejere/managers, men også værfter eller installatører der vil tilbyde testen som en service. Derudover kan producenter af ballastvandsystemer være interesserede i, at kommissioneringstesten udføres af en kompetent testudbyder for at mindske risikoen for en ikke-bestået test, eller for at have et kvalificeret grundlag for en dialog med klasseselskabet om årsagen til et eventuelt negativt testresultat.
